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THC vs Delta 8

Whats The Difference? Key Differences And Use​

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most well-known and understood cannabinoid within the cannabis plant. It has numerous potential medical benefits, including relieving chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and helping to prevent seizures. THC is also known to produce psychoactive effects in users and can cause a feeling of euphoria.

Delta 8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is another form of the same molecule as THC but differs in its molecular structure. Delta 8 THC has an additional double bond with a different orientation on the molecule than regular THC making it less potent and more stable chemically. This gives Delta 8 THC a weaker psychotropic effect than that of regular THC but still allows for some of the same beneficial effects such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.


The differences between these two types of cannabinoids can be seen in both their physical makeup and their interactions with our bodies. Regular THC interacts with both CB1 receptors in the brain and CB2 receptors throughout the body while Delta 8 does not interact as strongly with CB1 receptors leading to fewer psychoactive effects for users. Additionally, Delta 8 binds more strongly to GPR18 receptors located mainly in immune cells which may help explain its anti-inflammatory properties.

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The primary difference between regular THC and Delta 8 lies in how they affect users: while regular THC produces a strong psychoactive effect that leads to feelings of elation or euphoria, Delta 8 provides more subtle effects with no severe intoxicating effects; users report feeling calm yet alert when using products containing Delta 8 instead of experiencing extreme highs or lows like they do when consuming regular THC products.

For those looking for relief from chronic pain or inflammation without feeling high, products containing Delta 8 may be a better option than those containing only regular THC. Since it binds to GPR18 receptors more strongly than regular THC does, it may provide stronger anti-inflammatory benefits without producing an intense psychological response like other cannabinoids often do. In addition to being less likely to induce anxiety or paranoia due to its lower potency compared to standard tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), many users report that using products containing Delta 8 helps them maintain focus on tasks at hand rather than becoming distracted by daydreams due to its milder sedative effects; this makes it perfect for those who need relief during times of increased stress without having an overly relaxed state interfere with productivity levels. 

Ultimately, choosing between these two types of cannabinoids depends on individual user preference; if someone is looking for relief from chronic pain or inflammation without feeling high thenproducts containing delta-8 may be best choice whereas those seeking out stronger psychoactive effects are likely better served by traditional tetrahydrocannabinol based products.

If you want to know more about THC and products and derivatives from THC check out our additional resources down below

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