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What is Sativa?

Sativa is a type of cannabis plant that has been around as a medicinal and recreational drug for centuries. It is native to the countries of India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of Eastern Europe. Sativa strains are known for their higher levels of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive component in marijuana. Sativa plants tend to be taller and produce smaller flowers than indica varieties.

Sativa strains have an uplifting and energizing effect on users that can improve focus and productivity and relieve stress and anxiety. Sativa is often used recreationally by people looking to increase creativity or decrease boredom. Its effects can be felt more quickly than those of other Cannabis strains due to its higher THC content, making it popular with those looking for a quick high. Medical patients may use Sativa as an appetite stimulant due to its ability to combat nausea as well as providing relief from chronic pain.

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The mental effects of Sativa are often described as being uplifting, energetic and creative. Users may feel more alert, focused, talkative and sociable while under the influence of this strain. People who consume Sativa may also feel happy and enjoy enhanced sensory perception such as sounds being louder, colors brighter or music having deeper meaning. The physical effects associated with this strain may include increased heart rate, dry eyes and mouth, increased appetite or mild dizziness in some cases.

When consumed properly in reasonable amounts, Sativa has many positive benefits such as improved mood and focus along with stress relief without leaving you feeling too lazy or sedated like what may happen after using indica strains. While there are no reported long-term side-effects from consuming sativa responsibly , it should still be consumed in moderation by experienced users only as its effects can vary greatly from person to person depending on tolerance level and metabolism rate . Additionally , sativas’ high THC content makes it important to exercise caution when driving after consuming this strain .

Overall , Sativa is an effective way to reduce fatigue , anxiety , depression , pain , nausea , headaches , muscle tension and more while increasing energy levels , focus , creativity , libido and social behavior . If used correctly it can provide many positive benefits without having the same sedation effect some people experience after using indicas . However care should still be taken when using this strain due its potential negative side effects including dry eyes/mouth , increased heart rate/nervousness so it’s always best practice to start off small until you know your personal tolerance .

If you want to know more about THC and products and derivatives from THC check out our additional resources down below

Additional resources

11 Best Sativa Cannabis Strains scaled 1 THC VAPES
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